Just Circles

if you can't loath your own self, who's self can you loath?

October 06, 2003
I talked to Maggie and she helped me punish myself for slipping in my resolve by allowing a boy I just met to spend an evening, a night, and an entire morning all wrapped up with me.

I talked to Muriah and she told me that seventy years from now no one will care, but as I'm trying to get through gradschool I might need cute boys in my bed from time to time and so I shouldn't beat myself up about it.

I talked to Mama and she told me that by Christmas she should be living in Florida. This is very, very good news. She should go back to her home.

I talked to Tylere and he told me he would be here on the 16th.

Muriah also told me to forget about going to Dad's wedding if I prefered going to Chicago for New Year's instead.

She also has decided to get a passport incase she gets a whim to travel, despite her fear of flying.

the guy next to me here in the library answered his cell phone with "holla": he's white, chubby, and wearing flipflops and an IU shirt

Wait, I'm not done talking about my sister. She sent me a picture that she made of a photo of me spliced together with a photo of Aragorn from LOTR. It really looks like we're sharing a tender moment.

The other thing she said has elevated my heart up into the clouds today: She got a postcard from my old best friend, Brenda.

The postcard came to her house because she lives in the house where I grew up. I haven't heard from Brenda in about six years, but we haven't had reall communication in about eleven years.

We were so close, though. I really loved her so much. The fall-out was sort of heart breaking.

Actually, very heart-breaking, and the possibility of talking to her again just thrills my soul. Wow, I feel really lucky.

Have you all noticed how poorly I write these days? I mean, I really suck.

The weather is beautiful, but I think I might be alergic to sunshine.

Oh, and another thing, Joe seems to think I have a problem with self-loathing... fucking psychologists!

2:42 p.m. ::
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