Just Circles

the 24 hour sting

November 15, 2003
When I first moved to Bloomington and met the Friendster record label boys (see my entry from Thursday) they introduced me to a record shop in the basement of an old house on the main drag here in town. Amongst the piles of boxes I met the owner, Tom, and promised to return soon, because everywhere I turned my eyes I noticed an album I wanted to buy...

In October a sign appeared on the door that the place was closed due to an illness.

On Wednesday Tom passed away because the cancer which was discovered in October was too fierce.

I feel really strange. I didn't know him, but many people I've met here did know him, and well. As I immerse myself in the music scene here it definitely strikes this week with a touch of melancholy.

Joe and I are no longer dating. The amicable parting served to piss me off a little, but it was not hurtful.

Then I went and heard Songs: Ohia (who will be known as "Magnolia Electric Company" as of November first), Andrew Bird, and Kristin Hersch.

Heather and Amelia were there, and I was able to work through a few stages of feelings about Joe with girl-support, which I appreciated.

Burbon. Over and over. Straight up. Lots of it.

Joe's roommate was there, and I talked to him a lot. I don't know if he knew.

After the show everyone matriculated to The Vid, and on the way I passed Kilroy's Sports and scored some ribs. I'd been jonesing for some bbq and there was this God-send just grilling out in the rain, and for a buck apiece I gnawed two ribs with all the ferocity that comes with my drunk-munchies.

By the time I arrived to The Vid I was sort of feeling the exhiliration of being "single." What does that mean? I don't know. I really don't, but to my drunk self it seemed like a tangible sensation.

I think Alex had an eyebrow to raise at the news of me being unattached, but I'm going to keep him as a music buddy. I like standing next to him at shows and making snide comments because his vocabulary is good. I don't even know why I told him. The only person I told was Heather, then somewhere nigh onto 3 a.m. I told Alex, too. It just didn't seem like anyone's business, and I'm sort of sorry I mentioned it.

After last call I made my exit, telling Winter goodnight - he said he was sure we'd hang out again - and then I asked him to tell Joe hi for me. The laugh that he gave me was really strange, like a "A-HA! yeah. Okay." So maybe he did know.

He's used to seeing me first thing in the morning, when he crosses Joe's room to the shower.

Just a lot of bourbon.

I feel awful about Joe, and then equally not awful. I itemized our incompatabilities to Heather last night, and then later itemized all the things I'll miss. For all practical purposes we'll remain friends. He's really wonderful.

I wish I had more pictures of him.

Today I had brunch at the Runcible Spoon again. So yummy.

Andrew Bird made me happy, sort of like Jeff Buckley, in the roving minstrel sense. Sexy, skinny, sensual, with a violin. Make note of him.

I think I need a nap. Lots of bourbon, mind you.

I cooked for Joe last night, and he was talking about taking me out today, and then we decided to stop seeing each other. I can't think of what it is I want to say about any of this.

2:46 p.m. ::
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