Just Circles

one of those uncertain hands

November 14, 2003
I hate it that I go out drinking and carousing just to come back to Joe (who has stayed home) and be the drunk, fiesty version of me. I hate the whole bullshit situation. It's not the comfortable kind of get-drunk-and-screw mentality. For some reason it's more like a "now that I'm drunk I can pretend to be something I'm not." Then in the morning there's hardly a kiss, you know.

He doesn't like the karaoke thing, though. Or the concert thing. He does like shooting pool, though, so I don't know why he didn't come out before hand.

See, we did pool early, and then went singing around 11:30 till two.

My pool didn't suck.

A lot of strangers talked to me last night. When I got up to sing Patsy Cline I heard a guy yell, "it's the hot one!" and all his drunk buddies rushed around me. I thought George was going to getting really pissed.

So the emcee and I have this ongoing joke about when he breaks up with his girlfriend and finishes his degree he can get my number. His name is JR - or Jeremy - and he really does make the night for us... probably because we make his night for him.

I have to work on a research proposal for Brain and Cog.

I think I'm going to cook tonight, before the Songs: Ohia show (which I will probably get "dropped off" at). I cooked on Wednesday night, but Joe had eaten already. So I ate my own food myself. I need to cook a potroast I have... and then a potpie... mmmm

2:33 p.m. ::
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