Just Circles

Bring Tha Noise

March 20, 2003
Permit me to emit some frustration regarding petty personal matters of a non-national importance. Afterwhich I implore you all to read my pithy littly peace-plea integrated with pseudo-pertinent song lyrics. Thank you.


My chunky Nokia is a chunk of SHIAT... It didn't tell me that there was a phone call from Tylere until twenty-four hours after he left the message. I hate missing his calls. I can't believe he keeps calling me. Does he love me? Will I still love him if he falls in love with me? Do I only love him because he's always been "out of my reach"? Does my ass look fat in these jeans?

So -- even though this is something I've invented and not based in reality -- I'm listening to "our" song:

Wish Me Well (You Can Go To Hell)

by the Bouncing Souls.

That reminds me: tr0uble2 you have to effing come with me to Poughkeepsie to see them tomorrow!!! You're the only person I know with a car, and you've got to see a better punk show than Sum 41 (no offense). I'm serious: mad road-trip funness.

Bouncing motherfuckin Souls.

12:54 p.m. ::
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