Just Circles

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April 01, 2003
It looks like the next-door neighbors are removing asbestos from their house. That's probably a good idea. Mrs. Carmadella's health is bad enough she shouldn't have to worry about asbestos, too.

I walked around the mall today until I had shin splints.

New formal wear was in order.

My boss is taking me to the Metropolitan Opera to see La Boheme this coming Saturday. She gave me tickets for Baz Luhrman's production on Broadway, for Christmas, and now I can compare it to the traditional Zeferelli production.

The first store I entered at the mall I found a lovely, wool, charcoal-gray suit.

Then I walked around the whole mall.

The last store I entered was the first store I entered and I bought the lovely, wool, charcoal-gray suit. It was on sale, too.

Women always should trust their first, initial feeling.

[cue FLeetwood Mac:]

"Special knowledge holds true, bears believing..."

I dream of Hary with the light-brown jeans.

The shoes I found were some perfect, 1940's style leather pumps but the price was daunting and I didn't buy them, so I'll wear out my options until I decide to go back and get my first pick.

I walk out of stores in a huff if no one asks me if I need help: especially if I'm needing help.

The Pixies were rocking my socks off as I pulled up to the mall and I had to stop myself from singing out loud once I got inside.

if man is 5 if man is 5 if man is 5

then the devil is 6 then the devil is 6 then the devil is 6 and if the devil is 6 if the devil is 6

then GOD is 7! then GOD is 7! then GOD is 7!

I couldn't find any store that would let me listen to the new Ben Harper CD. Has anyone heard it? Is it any good? I really like Ben Harper a lot.

I ate at Panera just so I could walk in and have the smell remind me of Tennessee. mmmmmmm Pantera.

Fucking hostile!

Tower Records had Copeland's new full-length. It's good. I wish they had recorded that Carly Simon song I heard them doing in the studio. I bet they sing it at their shows. Too bad I'll be at the Met while their up here on Saturday. I just can't get to where they are.

Suffering was the only thing made me feel I was alive; thought that's just how much it cost to survive in this world.

"Dear Mrs. P, I'm in love with your son. Any suggestions? Cordially, Michaela Rose"

Tylere's dad refered to me as "the chosen one" once. I think his folks like me.

Does anyone know the symptoms for TSS?

emofaerie, we still gonna have a band called the Toxic Shox? If I could scream like Frank Black I would be in a hard-core band.

Then GOD is 7!

I just can't scream.

I'd do a metal cover of "I'm a Little Tea Pot"

when I get all steamed up hear me shout


Then lava would shoot from my electric guitar.

I'm happy my family was kind enough to not pull any pranks on me for April Fool's Day. I would have had a nervous break down. I'm too far away for jokes.

One year John-Michael told dad he knocked-up a 16-year-old black-girl and if he didn't get married her brothers would kill him. My dad suggested an abortion so John-Michael wouldn't "ruin his life." My brother thought he was such an asshole for saying that, John-Michael didn't tell him it was a joke for two weeks.

Someone found my page by searching google for "conceive a girl."

Hot Hot Heat is Indie Pop.

I'm not Indie Pop. I'm not Indie. I'm not Emo. I'm not punk. I'm not folk.

I'm Rap

5:11 p.m. ::
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