Just Circles

This is a day when I wore no makeup

April 02, 2003
I glided through the Whole Foods store with my shopping cart this afternoon and selected my produce and brie. Watching people as I wound around the aisles.

I saw the strange man about three times before I reached the deli.

The strange blonde man with an aged but boyish face. He had that resemblance to a two-year-old child that my ex-boyfriend Bobby had. That resemblance to a very-old man.

As I awaited my turn at the deli this strange stranger pointed to the flower-carrier in the front of my buggy and said,

"it's empty."

"I know! There are so many lovely flowers up front: I'll get some. The lupines are in bloom."

"They have lupines?" he asked.

I nodded, and he disappeared.

As I waited for my half-pound of Virginia ham I feared him coming back with a boquet of blossoms. I kept my shoulders turned so my perifery would warn me of his return, but I focused my eyes on the sushi.

Did he have a cart? Was he shopping? For groceries? For flowers? For girls? Why had I been so open-eyed and friendly?

I don't think he had a cart.

The option of going straight to check-out evaded me because I'd forgotten to buy pineapples as per my boss' request. I returned to produce. To the fresh flowers.

He was standing amongst the flowers.

I approached with darting eyes, and let them dart away from him as quickly as they landed on him, and kept gliding along as though I hadn't seen him, as though all I saw were pineapples.

He left the flowers and I decided to buy a bouquet. There were no lupine.

Where had I seen lupine?

Were they outside?

No. Silly. Those are Hyacinths. I always confuse the two.

Bright white daisies won the vote.

But where was the strange man? Was I in the clear?

I imagined him outside:

"I wanted to give you flowers. All I found were hyacinths. There are no fucking lupines. What do you take me for? Some kind of idiot? I try to be kind and fetch you flowers and you think you can get rid of me by sending me after L U P I N E?!?!"

He morphed into a complete psychopath in my imagination. Where was he? I'd feel better if I could keep my darting eye on him. Did he go through check out?

Did he even buy anything?



He was gone. Completely gone. Perhaps he was just a simple man strolling the store as his wife did the shopping. My imagination is over-active.

In other news, the unimaginable has come true: an acceptance which eclipses the one from Indiana University has come along. I'm a part of something grander than graduate school, now.

I am a member of The Evil Robot Army. I will do anything my Leader tells me to do.

The rest of my day was without incident.

J's friend Bobby told me if I ever got fired from this nanny job, I could live in his basement.

The cute boy at Starbucks passed me on the road today, driving a brand-new Saab convertible.

V and I went to Starbucks after her riding lesson and he was there preparing our drinks. His smile is something that has won him many favors in his life, I do not doubt.

The me that I know myself to be has decided to just ask him his name, age, and educational status next week. I'm sure the results will come back:

Michael/ 20/ some college.

He must still live at home.

Who works at Starbucks and drives a Saab if they don't live with their parents?

The me that I hope I end up acting like will continue to smile at him, but will refrain from initiating a conversation.

Observation: even though I've always been turned down, I get a rush from asking guys out, and I get a thrill just planning to do so. I'm sure he'd say no. They all do.

It's like they can all tell I'm really actually (not so) secretly in love with Tylere.


9:34 p.m. ::
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