Just Circles

old college roommate and the spins

April 19, 2004
I'm once again worried about finishing well. These projects seems very impossible to me right now, and I'm distracted by Mike.

But the last two days I've been feeling pissy, and this morning I've got the spins or something.

I blame it on my friend who visited this weekend. We had a great time Friday night - staying up till sunrise talking as though we'd been regular buddies for the last six years - and I fell asleep alone for the first time in over a month.

Saturday she didn't feel too well, and at some point in the evening was acting irritated, but said I hadn't done anything... "on purpose" to piss her off.

Suddenly I was rushed back to the time when we lived together seven years ago. This was 100% like the girl I knew my freshman year of college. Despite feeling badly for having even accidentally irritated her, I sort of smiled in knowing everything was the same as it ever was.

Before she left Sunday I sort of caught a clue and went to lunch with her without Mike and we parted well. It's nice to know that with all my roaming, and her having a kid and a husband, we're still about the same as in '97. Of course we'll probably not see each other more than just every few years.

I've got so many different kinds of friends!

The rest of the day yesterday, after she left, I was just in a pissy mood. So I turned it into funny/fiesty and made Mike laugh - which made me feel a litte better. Add that to more-than-a-normal dose of foolin around and I fell asleep happily enough.

But today the world is spinning and I feel like I could puke. No time for puking, though: I must get shit *done* this week. But seriously: I'm dizzy and shit-feeling.

Goddammit I'm behind!!

I'm just moody, though, things aren't that bad, really, and later this week I'll be getting started on research with JM. In two weeks classes will be over.

Then perhaps a tentative trip to NY!

9:27 a.m. ::
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