Just Circles

a certain transcendence

September 29, 2003
I watch a lot of Friendster.

I mean, I play a lot of Friendster.

Wait -- no... I mean, I use a lot of Friendster.

I do Friendster?

Both of my parents called me this morning to wake me up and tell me about Nathanael. Mama is on Amelia Island and Dad was at work and they both are almost impossible to deal with. The other four parents don't get called "Mama" and/or "Dad"... just to make a distinction.

I'm going to make a NY cd for Maggie.

I'm going to NY for Halloween.

Tylere is goind to be unstoppable now that he has a phone with the same cellular service as mine. We can talk for free anytime. The first two years I knew him he called me twice.

Granted, I lived less than a mile away from him and saw him everyday... but he always whined about not being a "phone person" but now that the cell-love has captured him he's going to go nuts.

bad things happen when you leave NY

I have a dating hangover, right now, and the mear smell of dating makes me want to puke. Some might say that the hair of the dog that bit me would be good, but unless it was *the* dog I don't think it would work.

Did I tell you "fanny-pack" guy asked me out?

He's in to computational neuroscience and in two of my classes. I've talked to him, as I've mentioned, but very casually and not ever for very long.

So via email he asks me if I want to go to hear some blues last Saturday night. I just told him it was a bad weekend, and that I had another interest back home.

little white lies...

Then last night he emailed me again with a poem he had written.

About me.

And how I don't like his habit.

Of playing Magic the Gathering.

I. Kid. You. Not.

This is funnier than Kareem's play sucking!

I haven't responded to that, but I will see him again, and often, so I guess I'll just let my honest charm work for me.

See, I just sit still and mind my own business and this is the sort of people I attract.

No talent ass-clowns, to quote Office Space.

After I graduate I want to teach at Berkeley for a couple years before moving back to Tennessee.

11:06 a.m. ::
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