Just Circles

I sound strangely chipper tonight

September 23, 2003
busy busy busy


in a good way


I got to campus at nine this morning, and then I got home at nine tonight, and I'm on my way out soon with some chick in my department.

wowee for me.

Yo La Tengo is playing next Tuesday night in Indy and I cannot go because I am in class until eight thirty so there's my crap-for-news.

I heard tonight was Tylere's night to call me but I guess something came up.

Here's the short version: last night I ordered pizza, drank wine, and listened to Kareem's music while reading his play, and it was the absolute worst shit I've ever taken in.

What do I say when he asks me what I thought?

I mean, I laughed my ass off, and I've laughed all day today thinking about it. There's virtually no redeeming quality in any of it.

oh bother

There's a fellow in two of my classes and he's supposed to talk to me at some point but he won't do it. By "supposed to" I just mean it's obvious that he thinks about talking to me, but he never does. I have a feeling we'll end up being friends, though.

There's another guy in my late-Tuesday class who wears chucks same as me... but he acts completely scared of me.

The European logician thinks I have good ideas.

The mid-westerd philosophers don't.

My blind professor already knows my voice and calls me "Ms. Rose."

Maggie stalled in an intersection today, but she has a plane ticket and is moving to Brooklyn in two weeks.

My friends Jon and Jeremy moved back to Chicago!! yayers! (as my little girl used to say) That means I have them there for the visiting.

I wrote a letter to Kasey today - never to be sent - and I feel much better. It's always helpful for me to write things out so that I can dispense of them. He does have a book of mine, though, that I would like to get back, because I keep margin-notes in my books. I mean, I'll buy the book again, but I'd like to have those markings of my first-read to go back to.

ce la vie

I'll just tell Kareem the modified version of the truth, and maybe he'll sort of respect that, and we can hang out still. As "insignificant others" - as coined by me and my Eastern European classmate tonight since I'd be hard-pressed to find a man who likes football and opera, but I have season tickets for both... so I need two insignificant others.

I'm *out*.

10:15 p.m. ::
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