Just Circles

by a thread

May 02, 2004
I can't believe I haven't written in five days. Five? Really?

I'm so overwhelmingly stressed out right now.

The end-of-the-semester break-down is upon me.

My poor boyfriend is having to endure my reaction to the world and he just wishes I could frolic in the flower-filled meadow of love with him. Instead I'm moody and dried up and unpredictable.

This reminds me of college, when CB and I used to have knock-down drag-outs every semester just to blow out the tension.

Today, though, it feels like it will never end. I'm aching from all the work I have to do. I can hardly look at myself because I feel so much frustration.

And it's my fault I'm frustrated.

I admitt that self-loathing is something I struggle with.

Then it makes me angry at myself for being so selfish.

Then I just break down.

Right now I can't stand Michaela. And on top of that I'm pissed at myself for being so moody and dramatic. So I'm alone, and I really don't want to go out.

But I have groups to work with for final projects and I must.

3:05 p.m. ::
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