Just Circles

Saint Valentine

February 15, 2005
I'm auditing a Spanish class this semester. See, I had two years of that language when I was an undergraduate, and I thought I could just breeze through a proficiency exam four and a half years later. When I failed it I just had to sit in on a class - hoping the absorption of hearing it spoken will help me pass it in May.

At which point I will be awarded an M.A.

Today while sitting in class my two buddies were sitting behind me, Chris who's 19 and Pat who's 18, and they were talking about how mindless the holiday is today and how they would hardly ever notice it if it weren't for girls. I turned to them and said they were right to not stress over it too much because there's reason why the holiday's initials are VD.

It's fun to pass jokes like that onto a younger generation who still hasn't made the jokes we older kids make all the time. Those teenagers think I'm the coolest (and they're right) and they awarded me Quote of the Day status.

Mike flew to Indianapolis Friday. About an hour before I left to pick him up a bouquet of pink tiger-lillies arrived with a note reading, "I'm on my way."

At the airport I scanned every face coming through the restricted pass. Hideous faces of fat Mid-Westerners, exchanging lack-luster greetings with their equally fat and hideous life-partners. Finally I saw his slender, square-jawed, goateed face in the crowd. He carried a back-pack and a six-pack-sized cooler. No luggage.

I showed off my car with a beep beep of the keyless entry and the window where I can finally display my Lee University Alumni decal. He opened the cooler, and though I would have been thrilled to have seen a black-market vital-organ, instead I found fresh fish. Shrimp. And mussels. All of which had been caught that morning.

It was a black-out weekend of me having my nose nestled in his chest-hair. So fucking simple, but perfect.

He left Sunday afternoon. I was stuffed with seafood.

It's amazing how he could fly so far and still bring me exactly what I wanted without ever having to check a bag or overspend.

For once Valentine's Day wasn't just a random encounter with a dude that I ended up counting as a date in retrospect. I spent it with my fiance. And I will spend every single February 14th with him for the rest of my life! I used to think nothing could make February warm (someone check my archives and read my last entry of February 2003), but aparently someone has come along who can do just that.

12:08 a.m. ::
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