Just Circles

I Miss My Old Friend

September 11, 2003
It's now been two years since the last time I saw my dearest friend, Carrie Beth.

I moved into her dorm room in January of 1997 to get back at this guy I'd dated after he supposedly had had a better time with her than with me. She promptly informed me - though we had never really spoken - that this guy would not be able to use her "as a pawn" to hurt me, because she didn't care about him and her heart was elsewhere.

So I relocated to her (and her roommate's) room in the middle of the night one week and instantly called the perpetrating boy so that he could "consolidate his speed-dial".

We stayed in the dorms through our sophomore year, because we enjoyed the status of being the "old" people. It gave us a genuine position of authority amongst the first-year girls.

Our junior year we scouted out the perfect little apartment in the basement of a huge house across the street from campus. In our excitement we paid extra for a double-listing in the phone book since it was the first time for both of us to be therein.

Our boyfriends became roommates, too, in a little house eight blocks away, and the four of us were disgustingly close. I don't think we had any other friends.

After I spent a semester overseas I returned to break up with my male-counterpart, and I convinced him to take a job at home in Maryland: Carrie Beth and I got the little house eight blocks away.

Her boyfriend moved in with this guy "Amrin", and we collected a third girl, "Emily", for financial purposes.

Once again CB and I enjoyed the status as the "old people".

At the end of our glory-year together we graduated, and she married her boy, and they moved to Florida where he joined the Army.

She stopped through Tennessee to visit two years ago - just before they received an assignment in Germany - and the day - that Tuesday - was when I had planned to spend time with her.

Tuesdays were my only day off because that's when I went to Tylere's to watch Scrubs and Real World and The Osbournes. I was in school full-time and working two campus jobs, an internship, and waiting tables, so Tuesday was hers:

As soon as I found out about the two planes striking the towers I turned to find Tylere at my side. We watched the crumbling, and then went to find Todd - who was dating "Emily" (and later married, as I witnessed last July) - because she was in DC and we knew he needed some comfort.

Somehow CB found me on campus so she could tell me goodbye: her decision was to drive home to Deleware at that moment to be with her family (very military: grandad burried at Arlington).

We gave each other our typical goodbye, which is private and unemotional, and then she left.

The only goodbye we shared which wasn't emotional was when she got married, but few people were privy to that weeping fiasco. It has never felt natural to not live with her.

emofaerie is the only other girl I've lived with who made me feel at home.

Everyone's memory of the day is different, eh?

6:58 p.m. ::
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