Just Circles

just the intellectual ganja puffin dons causin drama

June 25, 2003
James M told me he's dissapointed I would even "go out" with someone who works at an HMV.

I'm too old for that, he says.

13 year olds know everything, ya know.

The bosses returned from Germany today and had a hard time - along with every other adult in the neighborhood - that I actually enjoyed my week with the children.

Certainly, I am a nanny, but I'm more like a buddy.

Melissa leaves for camp tomorrow and I'm never going to see her ever again.


My boss bought me a shirt in Germany. When I unwrapped it my first words were,

"oh, I love this color!"

Her fist words were,

"it's Escada!"

The dilineation between me and her lawyer self is clear.

But she's made my coffee every morning since last August, signed my paycheck, too. She's made her home my home and has made me the proud beneficiary of a benefactor.

My biological father sent me a gift today.

It's an Indiana University t-shirt.

He's trying, I guess, since he missed out on the first day of school, or highschool, or even undergrad.

Todd and Emily are getting married on the 26th. He was my best friend. We spent every Thursday night drinking Milwaukee's Beast and smoking cigarettes while discussing the universe. I know that doesn't make two people best friends, but the stuff that doesn't involve alcohol is harder to explain. I would love to see the wedding since I was her roommate and his best friend.

But the wedding is in Ohio and that's the weekend I have to fly home, and this is one time I would die for my car.

11:05 p.m. ::
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