Just Circles

bloomington fades

February 06, 2005
I keep trying to post an entry but closing the screen before I've completed one. There's so much anticipation in my life right now that nothing seems worth writing about. Like everything is just going to come in the future.

I feel like closing this screen right now, and logging off. Eating some shit and then showering before the Super Bowl.

I'm ready to leave Bloomington. Not that I was ever really ready to arrive here. But I was ready to leave NY. Although last night I wished I was there, singing karaoke with Matthew. Riding the 6 with Asit. Drunk dials are shining moments.

I wonder when I'm going to stop being ready to leave a place. You people who have been somewhere for a long time, how do you do it?

There was a party last night. Everyone made something chocolate. 30 people showed up all with the most gorgeous, time-consuming, chocolate-in-every-fashion. Decadent. I drank a lot of wine and met a geologist from Chattanooga. We have the same favorite bar there. Jason is from Soddy Daisy and we talked up the Tennessee Valley.

We talked about the view of the city-on-the-river from the I-24 ridge-cut.

I was very ready to leave Tennessee when I got on that plane to NY.

The catcher for me, I guess, is that I have at least found the companion who I'll never be ready to leave, regardless of where we cast anchor. Dating long-distance is a bitch, but having a long-distance fiance is excrutiating. I feel so needy some times because I start crying and telling him that he's too routine and not open enough. He falls into patterns, you know. No fault, even though it makes me feel like a bitch to ever even bring it up. The only reason why I do is to prevent me from feeling resentment by having un-voiced anything. None of this would happen if we were face-to-face, though. None of this phone factor to fuck things up.

But I'm not a nag, and vindication came in the form of him being an INTJ according to Myers Briggs.

So I want to leave Indiana, and to seal the deal on my urgency I've applied for work at a new sports bar that's opening soon. I should rake in college-boy cash by the bushel. I'm a good waitress. Damn good. And I've got a killer ass.

That's beside the point, though.

The point is that serving buffalo wings to SUV driving Maroon 5 fans is only going to induce a greater urgency to blow this joint.

I need South Carolina. Hot as fuck, they tell me. I need sea food. Sushi, shrimp, and muscles. I need sea gulls and a face that's a shade darker than my (killer) ass. Oh, and I need that brown-eyed, square-jawed, dimpled-cheek, bow-legged McWap. Number one priority in my life, that boy.

Seriously: we made an agreement that our relationship is the number one priority for both of us. We shook on it. A deal's a deal.

3:49 p.m. ::
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