Just Circles

Some Days I Miss the Seventh Grade, Don't You?

January 15, 2003
My little girl tells me everyday that I'm not allowed to leave. She says she has the reputation for having the coolest nanny and so I have to stay.

However, I am not going to be here longer than just this year; come grad school or what may I WILL be living on my own next fall. I miss MY space.

Well, it just so happens that my little twelve-year-old girl is cool as shit. She's not super girly, except for liking boys, and she promises to learn electric guitar so she can play in the rock band at my wedding.

So last night while she was complaining that I had gotten Jeff Buckley stuck in her head I told her that if I got an apartment in the City I'd have her out for weekends and we'd go to concerts together.

"Just make sure you have a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. I want disco balls," Was her only response.

When I leave these kids it's going to kill me.

I've been really happy the last few days, since it's all sunny out here, but that only means that something shitty is going to come along and spice things up again.

10:56 a.m. ::
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