Just Circles

You Can Call It Another Lonely Day

April 09, 2003
This is today.

All day long.

And it's not going to stop.

I woke up at four o'clock this morning and went through cycles of kicking off all my covers and then rearranging them.

I'd been asleep since nine-thirty.

I woke up at noon yesterday, and then went to bed at nine-thirty.

At five o'clock this morning I walked the dog and smoked a Camel (Exotic Blend: Crema).

Then I slept two more hours.

I slept all weekend, too.

When I wake up it's still cold.

It's still New York.

It's still me in a home where I am neither a daughter nor a sister.

I'm the help.

And I'm out of menu ideas.

Cooking every night for people with unimaginative taste is a drag. My talent is wasted.

Nothing Asian.

Nothing Hispanic.

Nothing spicy.

No beans.

No seafood.

Nothing fried.

Boiled, steamed, broiled, and grilled: plain and unsalted.

Low fat.

Don't worry, I haven't lost weight.

Still my hulking 111lbs.

I always did only eat one meal a day, anyway.

Today is the day I go to Starbucks and see the cute boy.

Even mildly attractive men my age are scarce, living out here on Long Island's north shore.

As soon as I walked into Starbucks the last two weeks Joni Mitchell has been playing.

I walk in at the exact moment where she sings,

"everybody's saying that hell's the hippest way to go out; I don't think so but I'm gonna take a look around it though, blue..."

The Cute-Coffe-Presser doesn't know the song.

I'll be okay, today.

I just have to make it to Friday.

I have a feeling that this weekend Asit and I are going to rock it till the wheels fall off.

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I had to take this quiz after reading the journal of my darling redniko. (Niko, dear, I wouldn't have you any other way). Like I've had any "girlfriend" experience since I was twenty years old, so we really can't qualify this result. MUST HAVE 3 TO 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. (I just can't get my "foot" in the "door")

12:08 p.m. ::
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