Just Circles

lullabye from Wonder Woman's radio

November 13, 2003
Okay, it's coming along okay. All of it.

Nathanael: really wants to begin making something of himself. I'm scared, though, because he's so easily discouraged. Doesn't take "no" very well. Hence the addictions. Funny that he's addicted to something that increases performance levels. Maybe that should tell us a little about where he feels he's lacking.

Aspera and Oneida played here last night and I felt myself able to shake off the fog of the last two days.

I don't think Joe fully appreciated my downcast emotions. He tried to rationally convince me to cheer up. Though he "held" me when I asked, I still had to ask. When he dropped me off at the club last night he said something to the effect of, "don't let anyone pick you up." My reply was something to the effect of, "what's my incentive?"

After the show, and five beers, he arrived to ensure my safe deposit back home (since I was poised to walk)... then he stayed the night, despite his early engagement this morning. That was really sweet of him to pull me to him like that. He's threatening to find and read this journal of mine. If he did, it would just confirm his understanding of how sophisticatedly ambiguous we are.

He's my Joe, but I have no holds on him.

He (seems to) fear me finding more (prefered) excitement with another guy, and I fear him not noticing one way or the other.

So I still don't want him gone, though, see? And he keeps hanging on to me, too (though it's balanced by a very deliberate distancing routine as well). So we're us to whatever extent we ever were, and, sadly, to whatever extent we could hope to be.

The show last night, you ask? yes yes yes: Oneida.

One of the bands I missed at the Siren Music Festival this summer. That will haunt me for an enternity (or two). But at least I've begun to make up for my squander.

Aspera had a real knack for drum kits used in conjuction with real drums, and their keyboards were such that I felt like I was on some (fucked up) carousel, inspiring me to dub them: Caliope Rock. I was told their albums aren't half as good as what I experienced live, though, so ya'll might think they suck. I dug the singer's vocabulary, though. I also think I could still hum some of his melodies (good?? yes?).

The cool thing about this town is that bands (like the above two) are on Jagjaguwar, and other bands (like Songs: Ohia, and Damien Jurado) who are on Secretly Canadian, are all put out by the SC Distro here in good ole Bloomington. Thanks to Friendster, which the guys use to promote SC doings, I've met a gang of "industry thugs" who put on these shows. They are cool. Their music is cool. And - by their virtue - I am too cool.

That was a lot of links.

Tonight: karaoke. Tomorrow: Songs: Ohia.

That was a colon experiment.

5:55 p.m. ::
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