Just Circles

one to wash my hair and another to undress me

November 22, 2003
I would never have agreed to breaking up if I had known it meant I was agreeing to so much weirdness. Perhaps I'm contributing some, but he is fraught with it himself. This entire situation is almost entirely foreign to me anyway. Usually when something is "over" it's because the young man is either removed from my proximity or he has another woman. Neither is the case here, and so I'm subjected to Joe's soft, patronizing tone and iron-clad gaze. Inpenetrable.

Tonight was just terrible. I don't really want to enumerate all the frustrations, but here's the gist: I went to the opera alone because Joe forgot he and Winter had basketball tickets. Joe seemed to feel badly because I was angry (only apparent by admission and not because I was acting so), and he let me borrow his car to go. Back at his house after the Falstaff - where at an acquaintance said, "so you never found an insignificant other to come to the opera?" - I relaxed and chatted with Joe and Winter before getting a ride home. Winter noticed my haircut and complimented it but Joe was silent. He drove me home and I offered my hand before getting out of the car - hoping to imply with that that I was not fuming mad with him. He hesitated and looked at my hand before finally reaching out.

So I said if I had known he was going to act so weird I would never have agreed to breaking up. He apologized, and looked cooly into my eyes as he assured me in a soft, mechanical voice that he was not trying to act weird.

So I'm just going to cease my friendliness until I feel released of my curiosity to know what he's doing every moment. I'll stop talking to him until *this* is gone and we actually can talk naturally. We know I can do this. I'm the one who never called Kasey, right? (I love it when I have to bolster myself against my desires...)

In his defense: He told me last week that he's not good at being sensitive in situations like a break up, which I do take into account when he acts insensitively. I was forewarned. From what I know about him I would predict that he is just as confused, frustrated, and lonely as I am but his reaction is chilly and placating instead of whatever-I'm-doing. I could just imagine hearing him lamenting to his roommate over being such an ass for not mentioning my new haircut. He did tell me I looked nice though (which I did) and he couldn't get over my height in heels.

12:02 a.m. ::
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