Just Circles

turning and returning to some secret place inside

March 05, 2004
I love the days when 11:00 in the a.m. rolls around and I'm showered, rested, caffinated, finished writing a prospectus, kissed by a puppy, and driven to school.

My new philosophy is to begin drinking at 6:00 pm, be ripped by 10:30, go to sleep and get a full 8 hours, wake up at 7:00 refreshed, and by noon have my homework done. That's what I did yesterday, and it turned out smashingly well.

It was opportune that I had such wonderful girl friends to sit and drink the first two pitchers of beer with me. I had that white-hot anger seething through my veins after getting Joe's email response, and my heart's desire was to beat the shit out of some unassuming wall and then drink alone.

Fortunately, my friends mourned the loss of Joe's friendship with me, and I was delivered home without bruised knuckles.

The remainder of my night was spent with a little Beam and some IM conversations, and 10:30 saw me fast asleep.

Today is perfect and gorgeous weather. I walked up the hill - past Joe and Winter's house - with my first cigarette at around 10:30 on my way to school. Carl the not-so-puppy was in the yard and he called to me, so I let myself in the gate and cuddled with him for a minute. He lovingly licked my face and curled up on my knees and warmed my heart in general.

Winter came outside just then, offered me a ride with him to campus, and instructed Little Butt-Wrinkle back inside. He refused, though, until I went in the house first and he followed me. It's so cute: when I'm there he defers to my instructions instead of the Fella's.

A walk would have been nice today, but there'll be time for that after I score some free pizza from the department (more recruits).

Two of my old girls are back at the dland. Two of my OG (original gangstas). Readers from the beginning: circusfreak, and mistakemade - Beth and Bethany - and I'm so glad to have them back!

But mistakemade has the same layout as blankwave - which is a little uncomfortable for me - but I'm sure Bethany will change hers soon because lord knows she can't settle down.

In the beginning, though, all three of us has Modest Mouse layouts.

10:52 a.m. ::
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