Just Circles

teeny weeny

July 20, 2004
I am not political. Without being "non-partisan" I am simply "non-partied". I leave politics to those that are programmed thus, and I perfect the things for which I am programmed and that you ARE NOT (e.g. smart person academic shit).

But I feel the pain of all the Bush haters. Fahrenheit 9/11 made me cry and feel like vomiting, too.

Glances back in history, though, make me shrug and say, "why are you people so fucking surprised?!?!"

Here's what really grates my cheese about liberals, though:

they hate institutions but LOVE governement programs

I don't know what I am, but I'm definitely pro small-government.

Local, state government has always seemed "American" to me. Maybe that's what comes from being raised in the South.

Some sort of Confederate residue that's left in our red-clay.

Someone tell The Matth that I'm listening to Third Eye Blind right now.

But I'm totally switching to Otis Redding when I'm done.

Tonight I get to excercise in a swimming-pool.

12:18 p.m. ::
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