Just Circles

tall ships

January 19, 2004
I really feel like I should go see a doctor about my problem waking up in the mornings.

No matter how much (or how little) I sleep I feel zero refreshment when I wake up.

When my alarm goes off I feel completely miserable for nearly an hour (this is all heightened when I'm alone) before my body desides it's comfortable with moving around.

I don't like this, and it is ultimately detrimental to my success.

Success - by the way - is something which has become important to me once again (as it was when I was in highschool), and I attribute this to my new friends.

All three of the girls have funding, though, and I need some of my own, so I will begin the negotiations as soon as seems right. I just need to find a professor to work with.

However, I did receive an email from the linguistics club that they would like me to consider being an officer in the fall, so locally I'm gaining a good reputation, which is where it begins.

So I was searching on Amazon for books on a certain topic of linguistics/cog-sci and most of their topsellers were either from IU Press, from one of my currrent professors, or a graduate of IU.

If I can just hang in there and get by.

Last night I found myself at the apartment of Mike - with two other girls - to watch Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil.

It was odd, and a little uncomfortable:

#1, because I barely knew Mike, or the second girl (the other was Amelia)

#2, because I had been invited the night before in a bar

#3, because the movie involved the worst fake southern accents I've ever endured

#4, because we showed up, watched in silence, then left; there were brief moments of chatting, but I still feel as though I barely know them

#5, Mike graduated from the Citadel and his apartment is so imaculate it's creepy.

Oh, I fixed my computer, by the way, so now it's doing all the things a new DELL oughtta do, and I love it.

My gypsy-wagon.

11:42 a.m. ::
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