Just Circles

i need your DNA

February 10, 2004
Who signs my guestbook, "edible"?

(at first I wrote "questbook")

Talkie Walkie is my cup of tea.




My Bloody Valentine.

Boards of Canada.

Sunny Day Real Estate.

A semi-broad expanse of listening enjoyment which all seem to hit the spot, strike the chord, and altogether minister to me these days.

It's going to be a long day... waking at 6:30.

I think I turned my oven off, but maybe I didn't. Had to use it to toast a bagel this morning. Ate it with hummus on the bus.

Hummus on the bus.

I'm sure I forgot to turn down my heat (again).

Mama's Valentine's gift is a stuffed monkey with a tag around his neck that says, "someone at IU loves me." She likes stuff like that.

I'm strung out today on intense work, brief (but heavy) sleep, and uplifted emotions knowing I have a date tomorrow, but at least now my homework is only up to my asshole, instead of my ears. By tonight I hope to have it down around my knees.

Tomorrow night it's ankles or bust.

I actually called mama this morning and told her about Aaron. She was encouraging, as she is in all things these days.

When you know the truth you are at an advantage to knowledge, because everything builds but nothing topples.

2:32 p.m. ::
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