Just Circles

take pride... for instance

June 25, 2004
I became intoxicated last night. My mood was manic yesterday and I dressed myself up in the morning. Eyeliner and a clean shave and pigtails. In the evening I sort of ate before diluting my brain with bourbon. The pool game was random and I almost didn't suck, but my energy was too high for pool. Across the street I found dancing and buddies beer. !!! made my drunk-ass keep repeating, "man, if I were single..." as I shook my little tush.

I remember fumbling through my bedroom trying to find a shirt Mike gave me, reaching up high for my AC unit, but I awoke cold and unclothed.

This morning I slept and missed the first few sessions of a conference proceeding on computational linguistics. I'll catch the later half. It's not very important.

1:24 p.m. ::
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