Just Circles

the beginning of summer, 2004

May 10, 2004
I'm finished with my first year of graduate school and it is now official that I am not now nor have I ever been a good student.

I'm lazy and sloppy and rely on my unrefined genius to pull me through at the last moments. But I continue. I'm determined and tenatious.

I have endurance like a motherfucker and I'll stick to something - regardless of the pain or threat of death it may pose - simply on the principle of sticking to it.

So somehow I keep on getting by. Somehow I'm not just in an MA program at a local state school. Somehow I'm not likely to end up working at a community college.

The thing that just makes me look to the Heaven's and grin, though, is the fact that for my entire life there has never been anything certain three months in advance. This does not exactly include matters of the nature of relationships, but moreso matters of the nature of finances and living arrangements.

Granted, I'm going to be in research this summer, which nearly definitely ensures that I will be funded in the fall. However, "nearly" doesn't count in anything involving money. And I shan't know until August.

Let me go on the record with this: in the event I do not receive funding to continue the Degree of My Dreams in the fall, it will not destroy me, and I will not consider myself a failure.

I will live happily in my lovely home on the southside of Bloomington, IN, and work a regular job-or-two to make my bills. Plain and simple.

Though many things are not definite in advance for me in my life, I have made a two year commitment to live with Ashley, and so shall it be.

Hey, at least this keeps me from running off and marrying Mike, right?


So I shall cozy-up to my 3.3 GPA and remind myself that she who graduates from a doctoral program at the bottoom of her class is called "Doctor" just like the rest of them.

So it's Monday today (all day, too, unless it rains) and Tylere will be here tonight. He called me a moment ago to confirm directions and somehow before I could answer his three questions we were making jokes about snap-on noses and weight-lifting.

Well, we were talking about "natural senses of direction" and he reminded me of some wisdom Wilson gave Time in one episode of Home Improvement regarding the amount of iron one has in their nose being correlated with their directional ability.

Here's what I found: Marc McCutcheon wrote a book titled "The Compass in your Nose".

Seems crazy to me because I have an impecable sense of direction (just try and pec it) and I have practically no nose at all and *very* low iron.

It's been a good last couple of days, indeed, since finishing school last Thursday. Mike and I hosted a party on Friday and I drank for the first time in three weeks.


And then tequila.

asitwere can attest to this bad combination. My bartender in NYC used to refuse me both in one night, requiring I only drink one or the other. The result of last Friday night is that I completely erased my memory of about an hour.

I remember deciding to drink the tequila. Then I remember putting the tequila down and thinking it was a bad idea. Saturday morning I awoke to find a pillow and blanket on the bathroom floor, and realized Mike had also experienced a rough party.

But a happy birthday nonetheless!

Saturday night we went to a party at Aaron and Jen's house. Earlier in the semester I went out a couple times with Aaron, and Mike was going out with Jen.

I just remember getting really trashed, and being flirted with by some stoners, so I opened a beer with my teeth and got at least 47 hi-5's before leaving.

So Mike and I got out to his truck, but we didn't leave. About fifteen minutes later I realized our entire bottle of bourbon was still in the kitchen (because we'd drank other people's liquor), so I was the one we selected for reconosance.

I remember slipping back through the house, trying to avoid any, "hey, I thought you left?" But one stopped me.

I was really loaded, but still managed to pull off the we-left-and-then-came-back and be convincing.

Yesterday was spent in complete laziness. But I'm home now. My hair has been colored this morning. I'll clean my apartment. Prepare for my guest.

One final thing: I love Chappelle's Show. I love how he repeatedly lambasts R. Kelly. But I especially love how he represents the Wu Tang Clan.

Now, I realize I don't come across as a huge rap fan, but I listen to a lot of Wu. And Warren G. And Dr. Dre. And Tribe Called Quest.

But the Wu has so much of my repsect. Seriously. And Dave Chappelle repsects them, too.

The funniest was when he had a commercial for investments, because "cash rules everything around us, C.R.E.A.M., get the money, dolla-dolla bills, ya'll," and invited viewers to, "enter the 36 chambers of Wu Tang Financial." And the whole sketch ended with everyone chanting, "Wu Tang Clan ain't nothin' to fuck with." Please follow this link. I beg you. And you best protect ya neck.

In other news, I shall be 26 years old in a month.

11:49 a.m. ::
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