Just Circles


May 06, 2004
Today is my boyfriend's 24th birthday. His mother sent him a cake which he took into the lab with him this morning to make sure everyone knows to treat him special. For myself I woke him up with presents. The best one being a Rapidograph pen for all his detailed ink-drawings.

They're prime for stippling.

Today I shall comoplete my math homework and be done with the semester.

Tonight I shall drink with my three girlfriends for the last time until August.

Just so you know, I liberated myself from uncomfortable relationships by deleting Friendsters. It was hard at first, and I didn't really want to do it, but after I got started it was sort of fun and I didn't want to stop! They were all friendsters with whom I had a fleeting or non-existent real-life relationship with, and none of them were people who's visage I enjoyed finding repeatedly.

I felt that I owed it to my true friendsters to eliminate the ones that lessened my overall friendster experience. Now, by expressing my "tough love" I'm able to give of myself more freely to the ones who truly deserve it.

I encourage you all to free yourself of any relationship that you feel depletes you of what resources you would prefer to bestow on a select few. We all deserve to choose our friends.

Oh, and here's a funny story about my dorky boyfriend: I mentioned that I had difficulty remembering the difference between carbon MONoxide and carbon DIoxide, and so I just think of the Weezer song. He looked at me and implied I should know the difference between "Mon-" and "Di-"... then he added, "the difference is that the both can kill you, but one is reversable."

Then he corrected himself by saying he means the bonding of the something withe hemoglobin something is reversable.

I love him!

(PS, Don't forget your mother!!)

9:14 a.m. ::
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