Just Circles

spring is in the air, but what is "spring"?

March 01, 2004
I fell asleep last night at 3:00 in the not-so-night-anymore.

My mind was stuck in trying to parse the stress-patterns and syllabification, and trying to understand the ranking of constraints. The homework seemed perfect around 11:00, and then when I went back over it at 1:00 it seemed completely wrong, so at 3:00 I went to bed in hopes the morning would help make it make sense.

At 7:30 this morning I was in the shower, and at 8:30 on the bus.

My phonology re-draft is turned in and at only noon I am finished with *all* my math homework - save for the last problem - and I only started at 9:30.

I really am thankful for the study group, though, because I would never have gotten things together so quickly without their feedback (and them with mine, actually, because I'm catching on, you know).

So this Math & Logic course is basically teaching me that "logic" is not intuitive at all. I made a 63% on the exam, which is a B, so I'll be just fine.

It's funny, because as I fell asleep last night I was panicky about finishing up all my work today. I have to have everything done before 4:00...

...because that's class-time, afterwhich we head to the 'Natti for the Yeah Yeah Yeah's (oh oh oh), to return late, and then class tomorrow comes early-ish.

I'm feeling wired and strung out, and listening to Starflyer 59's "Old" album, and realizing I oughtta listen to it more. This is good for today.

Today is warm and rainy. My new little bangs are curling a bit in the moisture and my sock-less feet feel like Spring's root's coming to life beneath the permeable soil of my Chuck Taylors. The light rain makes the sidewalks reflective, but my short-pants (sort of like long-shorts) and denim jacket make the rain seem happy.

Come to life.

That outfit I wore at the end of last summer - with the fishnets when I saw Wilco - is what I'm wearing to the show tonight, for the first time since last summer.

And that's exactly how I feel today, only not quite that refreshed, and perhaps not as completely hopeful.

11:59 a.m. ::
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