Just Circles

$5 me sucky sucky

March 02, 2004
Okay, so as we all could have guessed, I didn't end up making out with the angsty Citadel grad, because of the nature of our group of people present, but the flirting has left me and Amelia unable to recall it without giggling.

She and I both are flirting shamelessly with him these days, and we present different strengths, and he likes it both. At one point he was dancing with a hand on each of us.

I think she and I hi-5ed.

My caffine high segued nicely into raccaus drunkeness with the High Life. I remember tauting that beverage as the hip alternative to the played-out PBR.

This stoner kid - dressed like a stoner - was playing with my hair and I asked him to stop. When he didn't after my third request I switched to "angry" and his friends eased him away from me and I moved, too. During the opening act (fabulous: Ssion) the same stoner kid begins "moshing" totally counter to the mood of the crowd.

Aaron moved his large frame to block the blows, but when Mike got his drink knocked out of his hand, I got bloodthirsty. Somehow the situation was defused before the stoner got his due, but Mike and I were hot for a fight. Nothing still happened, so that energy was put into rocking out with Karen O.

I'm extremely hoarse and sore from all the screaming and dancing I did. The crowd was great, and I shook my little ass and my little ponytail like I was 19. It's been so long since I was at a show where I could do that. Years.

During the pause before the encore I dashed for another High Life, and when I left a stranger approached Amelia and Jen and told them to watch out for me because I seemed "really trashed" and she had heard me say something to "the guy in the Army t-shirt" (i.e. Mike) about "$5 and a blowjob".

I walked back up to them while this concerned citizen was still talking, and she said, "oh, she's back..." and my words were, "that was quick!" because it took only two minutes for me to get my beer.

Amelia was trying to figure out how to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think there's any doubt to benefit: she was simply trying to start shit.

The only conversation between me and Mike that she could have heard was about our tattoos. "I crave ink" was said, and "it draws attention to your ass."

Oh, and he said, "can I have a cigarette," too. That's it.

Anyone who knows me knows this can't be true. I hate giving head.

Aaron and Nolan were fiersome as they pressed closer and closer to the stage, making it impossible for me to remain nearby. I jokingly commented that I simply must not have been punkrock enough for Aaron, because he never rushed in on me like that.

The three-hour ride home was hell on my 6-beer full bladder since the stretch from Ohio to Bloomington is not very "developed", you could say.

I only got to stop to pee once.

This story sounds poor, but I am impoverished in any sort of strength today. But the sun is high, and I'm wearing flipflops, so I can make it through the muscle aches and hoarse voice and lack of sleep. I just can't write well.

2:45 p.m. ::
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