Just Circles

Protect ya Neck

November 10, 2003
Cash Rules Everything Around Me


Get the money!

dolla dolla bills ya'll

Yes, it is late now, and I'm trying to eek out 300 more words in this paper discussing "qualia" and "consciousness" and I'm listening to the Wu Tang Clan, of course.

You sho have just been took through the 36 chambers of death, kid.

I don't know why I didn't write it earlier. Like on Friday. I sat alone on my ass all night Friday. Or Saturday? went out with Joe. Yesterday? sat on my ass before hanging out with Joe.

Joe's not hanging well with this paper either. You could guess. Neither is his roommate.

I suggested that we state our case to the professor and Joe imparted to me sage advice:

only reveal your weaknessnes to your advisor

This is a first draft, and I am just wanting it to get ripped up so I can write a better paper for the final. Like I oughtta.

niggaz so stingy they got short arms and deep pockets

I'm not really sure how much more thinking I can do. I'm not really sure what to do to make myself think more. I'm not really sure what more there is for me to think about.

you should be punished; I'm going to chop off your arm. On guard: I'll let you try my Wu Tang style

I just realized that my Wu Tang Forever cd (disc one) is a CDROM. That came out in '96... who knew? I usually only listen to the 2nd disc, because it's wonderful.

This shit keeps my mind straight like a metronome. And I love the lyrics. Especially the Method Man's. Of course, I hate all the reference to "the method".

I can tell I'm approaching philosophy from a literary perspective and this is not appropriate, probably. Looking for symbols and imagery.

I've started using my heater. I mean, the radiator, not "my heater". Of course, my heater does get some usage, naturally, but I wouldn't just announce that I had begun using it. Or anything with it, for that matter. I generally try to leave matters of "my heater" out of regular conversation, though I do advocate the use of the nomenclature "heater", as well as "snatch". But those are the only two. Try using "box" and you'll get slapped.

11:45 p.m. ::
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