Just Circles

emtpy container

March 09, 2004
Something's got to give.

It's pushing against my skin, from the inside, and I'm just waiting to see what part of me breaks first to let it run out.

Wandering the halls of the English department I caught a glipse of a William Blake painting in a man's office. His name is Nick. We talked about William Blake, and John Donne.

We talked about compasses and metaphoric signifigance.

He suggested I take a literature course to revive my mind.

I suggest I read some poetry to myself.

I haven't read Blake since last June - and I remember it well - and you can read the entry because I know I talked about it.

I even talked about "Ancient of Days", which is the painting I saw in Nick's office. The most gorgeous painting of Blakes, and I never see it often enough.

3:03 p.m. ::
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