Just Circles

for those about to rock

February 08, 2004
three a.m. on a Saturday night and you'd expect nothing less than to find me drunk, right?

The typing isn't working for me so well tonight, so I'll just cut to the point.

During the night, at the Vid, I allowed Aaron to know that his attention was the only man's for whom I vied (how's that for a strung-out sentence?). Finally, towards the end of the night, I got him to put his arm around me.

Seriously, this guy is such a gentleman he is timid.

As I gathered up my coats my girls muttered something to him... I accepted his ride home... and he asked for my phone number.

Really, I have no idea about this fella, or where things could end up, but he's so different from anyone who's ever flirted with me.

His interest in me was confirmed, though, when several people teased me about him before he arrived.

And then at the bar the girls were very obsrervant...

I'm a silly drunk, and I speak about silly things, and it amazes me that someone like Aaron would be interested in me. Would drive me home last. Would ask me for my phone number.

The girls whispered to me before I left, though, that they told him to ask me out, and though I hate third-parties, in this case it might have been needed.

He's been flirting with me for about four months.

I was robbed of one entire pack of cigarettes tonight, but almost didn't care, because Aaron bought me a shot of Maker's Mark and I really think he'll call.

Most guys don't call.

I think he will.

The boy from Arizona. The biologist. Who talks like Matthew.

3:13 a.m. ::
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