Just Circles

guns for show, knives for a pro

December 15, 2003
The sunlight reflecting off the snow, no electric light, NFL Sunday, and a napping Joe made yesterday almost impossible for productivity.

Coughing became the rule yesterday, which, as we know, is the indication that the illness is on its way out.

The coughing persisted all afternoon, while I did my luandry at "The Fella's" house.

The coughing persisted through our First Year gathering in the evening.

The coughing persisted when I laid in bed at eleven o'clock.

The coughing, you can guess, persisted until about four or five this morning.

Any sleep I got was from me passing out from exhaustion.

Granted, I generally only fall asleep from exhaustion.

The get-together of First-Years was amusing, because most of them are 22 years old. 1981. Same age as my baby brother. I make them laugh.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrells is more important today than finishing my homework, but today is the first day I've felt healthy in a week, so I'm enjoying opened blinds and clean dishes.

Knives terrify me.

Visitors tomorrow, and my towels are clean, and my sheets. I must send Xmas cards, too.

1:47 p.m. ::
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