Just Circles

cry me a river

June 02, 2004
I hate this feeling I walk around with constantly. The absurdity of romance combined with the excrutiating suffocation of physical absence has me on the verge of tears. But my friends don't want to hear about these things.

He was out again last night after a day of moving, but he came home to call me. In the future I won't mind if he calls me from a bar, but for this week it means a lot that he secludes himself for our conversations.

I figured out what to give him that is something like that ring he gave me: the pendant of my first tattoo. I'll send him that today, along with an explanation of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning. That poem comforts me as much as I hope it will him.

Ashley took me out for icecream last night. Then we visited at the Vid for a while. Our friends are playing league pool and call themselves, "Tit for Tat".

Jeanine is an interesting and clever girl and I enjoy her company.

My head hurts.

3:03 p.m. ::
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