Just Circles

Coming Close, and Fast, but Never Easy

November 26, 2002
The sun is hot today, and the air is frozen, making it intense to be outside.

I know what it is: exactly. I don't like the occassional. I like it constant, steady, day in and day out. When I have four hours once a week then I'm bound to spend half the time gnawing on my foot. I love my outfit today, and the sunshine, and the promise of snow tonight, and the music in the car, and the mommies at the supermarket, and the daddies at the bank, and I wanted a guy to walk around next to me the whole day.

I don't like dating: I like living.

If we just breathe the same air then everything is natural; but if I'm veering from the natural bend of my life to take your hand then I feel warped.

If we drink the same water then we don't have to ask the five W's; but if you only know me when my legs are shaved then all our conversations will sound like front-page news-stories.

I can get the fast fix -- and I can be the fast friend -- but I don't know how to combine romance with a friendship, so I guess it'll take a damn good man, huh?

2:54 p.m. ::
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