Just Circles

I wish I'd remembered to bring a Sharpee

November 24, 2003
Just when I thought I could begin writing my ten-page research proposal due tomorrow, I found research that had been reported on as recently as less than three weeks ago. This is not a good thing, really, because I don't know if I can produce ten pages tonight. I also have phonology homework. How did this happen? It's not "coming to me" like it would in undergrad. I'm also discovering that despite my love of reading and words and all: I have a very short attention span when I'm reading academic articles. And that's all I read now. Maybe it's the jargon. Perhaps it'll get easier. I need some dinner now. I love watching the sunset from the library. There was snow this morning but now it's gone.

Peope who willing sit at free-standing tables, in the middle of a half-empty dining room, unnerve me. They should know better than to not be paranoid.

5:23 p.m. ::
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