Just Circles

the matthew was better

December 11, 2003
Yesterday I was harkened back to last February, when I met Matthew. He read my entire journal; I read his; we emailed persistently, and two days later we went to Odessa and... have been friends ever since.

Well, I mentioned the Friendster fellow who was all over the messages, right? Yesterday I was so ill (not dissimilar to today), so I curled up with my computer and wrote him an extremely long letter. It answered all his questions and addressed other things he'd mentioned, and in general was the story of "me" which I love to tell so well.

Because first meetings are thrilling to me.

His response came quickly, and that he was strangely euphoric over my letter and felt all kinds of attracted and could he take me out to dinner.

I could list all the cool similarities we have but I've almost become disenchanted with on-paper similarities.

"Oh my God! We both worked on a dairy farm!!"

So he called me last night, and we talked for about three hours until he asked if I wanted to meet him at a diner. I went just to clear up any imagination-wandering (since his photos are ambiguous).

We passed another hour and a half there, because he really is an extravert and talkative and interesting as well.

But I was lucky with Matthew in that he's so lovely for the looking-at. Especially his bashful expressions.

This young man, Chris, is not un-lovely, he's just not-my-type.

He's hip, smart, traveled, down with music, down with the funny, (my phone rings and he casually remarks, "your shit's blowin up"), loves his family, and is likely to hang out with me again.

But I feel apologetic, because the attraction he felt wasn't reciprocated after I saw him.

Good thing I've got experience with things like this, eh? Good thing I know not to settle. Good thing I can just keep on waiting.

Good thing I've already got hot friends to compare the not-hot to.

Anyway, I'm "just here to help" on Friendster!

11:17 a.m. ::
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