Just Circles

It's Good To Be On The Road Back Home Again

February 20, 2003
stupid stupid stupid

Slush is a cute word, you know, but the streets of NYC are pure ice-water. Not just slush. Pools of dark, crystalized water that appear to be asphalt rose up over my ankles and stupid me wore Chucks tonight. I'm such a fucking poser. Thinking I have to look "cool" all the time and that nothing is "cooler" than Chucks and that I'm "cool" enough to tolerate slush. Too bad it wasn't just slush, though, huh? Too bad it was hypothermia pools at every intersection. On top of that I feel like I'm coming down with something. So tomorrow I look forward to my throat being clogged with something black and green and my voice to have that sexy baritone effect that men love on women so much. Hopefully I'll cough a lot too and not be able to swallow. Wet feet and raw throat. MMMMMMM

I'm finished complaining.

Yesterday I enjoyed my surprise day with my sister. We sat fireside in her living room and drank a bottle of wine each and discussed how we envy each other. We're so different, but we both feel unaccomplished in our personal lives, and we feel like if we were more like the other we'd have the life we dream of.

I'm sure last night's conversation was a case-study of typical sibling/peer viewpoints, and that we're a classic case of wanting what you haven't got, but for Muriah and me personally the exchange was potent.

This morning Maggie's dad drove us to the airport, and by four twenty we were in the towncar back to my Neck of the Woods.

I felt like I was home.

I am home.

I feel at home.

Temporary though it may be.

From the sky NY always beckons me. Today the water was oil-marked by patches of ice that had drifted together in the wake of sea-vessels. Such beauty.

I took Maggie into the city just so we could kick it a little. It was too early just to go to bed, and too late to actually make plans (even though "Angel 13" was playing at Mercury Lounge) so I just took her to Patio for a drink and to meet asitwere, and then we went to Puck Fair for some munchie-food and beer (mas Guinness).

This was a fine night for me.

My best friend since I was twelve with my best friend of my new day-to-day brought me a certain comfort that I don't know how to put into words right now. Their combined knowledge of me made for worth-while predictions -- or suggestions, rather -- and aside from that just being in the company of solid friends gives a night a glow that can't be conjured any other way.

Tomorrow night one of the bands Jordan manages is playing in Brooklyn, and after what he's told me about the band it seems they might rock. Jordan's been a swell dude for the regular IM conversations, and though I haven't seen him since our, "so, yeah... no" evening a couple weeks ago it'll be nice to hang out with him. A girl's gotta do SOMETHING to put a little rockandroll in her life, you know?

Get me to the show hurryhurryhurry before I go loco, or something like that.

Even though this snow robbed me and Maggie of yesterday and today in the city, I think we'll be able to make Thurs/Fri/Sat pretty "dope" as those SoCal kids like to say.

And now... since not having cuddled against my bear for four nights, I'm going to go get down with that. Don't knock it till you try it.

12:29 a.m. ::
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