Just Circles

Sands Point

I found today one of those places we all need to have to go to for those times when we feel like slamming the door and yelling, "that's it! I'm leaving!" In Cleveland mine was Reliance and in New York mine is the Sands Point reserve. It's on the beach, and it looks out in between Glen Cove and the New York mainland, out into the Atlantic. The beach is pebbled and sandy and littlered with mussle's shells -- most of them empty -- and horseshoe crabs, and sea weed in green and red and orange. For some reason I drove out to the preserve after dropping the children off at school and as I walked along the beach, at 8:00am, I felt more comfortable than I have anywhere. I'm sure this won't be my only spot -- New York is much larger than Cleveland, for those of you who haven't been, and offers a lot of great niches.

Tonight I'm going to CBGB's and even though it's going to be fun, I can promise that I'm going to be thinking, "oh my god, so-and-so would love that..." the whole time. Regardless, I'm going to be there, and I need a Friday night out!

A woman that I met who's from near where I grew up called me today. She's a pastor's wife, and though I didn't like the church, I loved the people (big U2 fans... mentioned it fromt he pulpit), and they invited me to their house tomorrow night. They're close to my age -- a few years older -- but at least they aren't the godless, bitter, synical, suspicious, and aggressive types I find everywhere up here. I'm lookig forward to that; no risk of meeting Italians.

I have to go to the deli now; the butcher told me he would reserve his beef-stock for me (cooking terms, ya'll, for people who cook).

Everytime my phone rings and it's not for me my hands go numb.

1:41 p.m. ::
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