Just Circles

free from the ups and downs

March 30, 2004
Somehow my life has been sucked away from me and taken down Sudbury Drive to a one-bedroom apartment kept amusingly sloppy by it's military resident who has a perfect sense for what jeans to buy, and though I ought to be struggling to reposses my time for myself I find me deciding day after day that he is the one I want to spend more time with, his is the chest I want to lean against, his is the hair I cannot stop running my fingers against, and his are the lips I want pressed to my neck.

Yesterday I left him a message saying I was busy... had to call my sister... hadn't eaten all day... but I wanted him to come over anyway. Without a call he arrived with the sunset behind him.

After rocking me to sleep he crept back out to watch Futurama, but the volume and his absence kept me partly awake. Finally I guided him to bed after finding him asleep and chilly where he layed shirtless on his leather couch.

With my face pressed to his, and his arm pinned across my chest I slept soundly until he woke me at 7:30 this morning.

I asked him to go out on a date with me, and he accepted, and then he offered to dress up for it. I haven't had a dress-up date in Y E A R S. I have no idea where to go. Indianapolis? It doesn't matter: we'll have fun.

In other news, there is no other news.

8:43 a.m. ::
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