Just Circles


March 16, 2004
More and more things happen in my life to reinforce the belief that the world doesn not revolve around me.

Neither am I capable of of mighty destruction, nor mighty creation, of my own strength.

When failings seem to surround me, I ought not give myself so much credit.

imagine what you would do if you knew everything was going to be alright

My mother challenged me this weekend. When I mentioned how I'd been feeling I just told her I "needed to take some time and really figure things out." To which she rebuked, "you need to let your mind rest, because it will figure itself out."

Things always ebb and flow. My mother should know this better than anyone. Death and divorce, children and aging, poverty and packing up to move along to somewhere that might be better...

And yet somehow she sees how she is blessed.

When I was a child I was a linguist. This is not something I'm hoping to become. And I'm not in school now to prove to myself that I'm good enough (take that, tiger).

I'm here because I was built as a linguist. Programmed as such. Manufactured thus.

And I have a responsibility to pursue the direction of my instincts.

Therefore, just as I did nothing to instill in myself this passion for language, I am equally incapable of destroying it.

Within my power is nurture or preservation. I could pickle my passion and seal it in a jar where it will do nothing but collect dust, or I could let it grow, like I'm doing.

In conclusion, things happen in my life that suck, and odds are things are going to happen in my future that suck harder, but I am not the center of any universe.

I apologize to all mankind for mistaking myself as greater than you all, and with more signifigance and influence. Bad things don't happen to me on account of me: they happen on account of the order of how bad things operate. The same for good things.

We are all in this together. So let's be thankful.

12:46 p.m. ::
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