Just Circles

my internal drill-seargent

December 06, 2002
I was supposed to have been doing the children's laundry twice a week and now I feel like an idiot because I just found this out last night: finding out that the job I've been doing and supposing was complete is actually done improperly makes me extremely angry (at myself).

Stop saying I'm hard on myself. I'd gladly have someone else who could tell me what to do, or take care of me, but I don't. I am my only guide, my only disciplinarian, my only accountability. Yes, perhaps I am doing things well: compared to *somebody*, and I can find at least one person to affirm any decision I could make. But I have standards, and I'm responsible to keep myself straight. I have to be hard on myself, because everyone else is so soft with me.

If I asked someone they'd say, "of course he'll call! What makes you think he wouldn't? Any guy I know would call you!"

And I could believe that, and then when he didn't call I'd feel like I had been fooled (i.e. caught unaware).

If I tell myself, "I don't expect him to call." Then any call -- at any time -- is a bonus, and no call is normal.

This is not the same as me saying, "I don't deserve to be called." Of course I know he SHOULD want to talk to me. But I don't expect all people to understand my worth all the time.

So I'm hard on myself, but that's because there's a tender, sweet Michaela that I have to make sure doesn't get mutilated again. Okay? She's very trusting, and hopeful, and assumes no ill intent. I have to keep reminding her that there's a fine line between being trusting and being a victim.

What's that got to do with laundry?

The laundry is a part of my job, my responsibility, my livelihood, and I've been performing incompletely. This means that I am in a small way failing myself, and this is why it makes me angry, and why I am being "hard on myself."

Someday I will be married to man who I can break-down in-front of, and he'll simply be strong for me. He'll never say, "what do you expect me to do about it?" Because he'll know I have no expectations.

Until then I guess breaking down is out of the question.

8:40 a.m. ::
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