Just Circles

"working for a paycheck instead of waiting to win the lottery" or "writing checks my body can't cash" are both good titles

May 01, 2003

It's the first of May.

New page on my calendar: how fitting to observe this day with Connor.

Sweet, silly, young man.

He didn't strike me as particularly depressed last night. Or maybe he just wasn't giving a lot of emotion becuase the crowd was not giving back.

Well, Matthew and I were.

Avid readers might be confused as to why I would be anywhere with a guy whom I've talked about in the way I've talked about Matthew.

You're absolutely right.

But Michaela's a big girl, and she wouldn't set 'em up for him to knock 'em down twice in a row.

I like the way we talk in person. It's like this on-going TalktAlktaLktalK. And it goes on and on and up and down and never quite finishes, just like that.

On the other hand, with alcohol and rock'n'roll I probably could have hung out with M I L L I O N S of people and had a good time last night.

Beer + Music + (company) = fun: every time.

I made a banana cream pie yesterday, and no one ate it.


I did make a big dinner, though: London broil, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad (with lotsa toppings mmmmm), crescent rolls, and then the pie.

I'll eat it.

So it's May, and it's spring time, I've decided.

I bought a baseball for myself. Just to hold. Don't even know if any of my friends have a glove... I have mine.

That reminds me, I should tell you about my Papa Wilbur one day and back when he bought me that glove.

If anyone wants to play catch with me let me know. Or I'll show up in the park and join a pick-up game.


The other purchase was a bathing suit.


Someday I hope to meet a girl who says, "yay! bathing suit season! I love shopping for bathing suits!"

Simply because I've never met any girl who enjoys the current bathing suit situation.

Isn't there a better design?

Isnt' there something - oh, I don't know - FLATTERING we could do with this concept?

Regardless of body type I don't think any one I know looks *good* in a bathing suit. Or feels *good* in one. I don't. It's not thin vs. fat: it's SO MUCH SKIN and mine is very light and bruises easily.

This leads me to the conclusion that I ought to get more tattoos. Sorry this entry is so choppy. But I just feel all blustery this morning. Like I don't want to do any of my work at all. I just want to sleep. I don't want to write, but I wanted to say something, so just ignore me today if you feel it's necesarry for you to go on liking me.


9:52 a.m. ::
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