Just Circles

broken chairs

October 29, 2004
Tonight I'll polish my blood-dripped fangs and coif my purple wig and then delight myself with punk rock.

Almost exactly two years ago I was at a Social Distortion show, and surprisingly I get to see them again in my lifetime. With Tiger Army.

Exactly one year ago I was in NYC with pink hair.

I'm one step closer to moving again. To a new state. When I finally move in the summer I will then officially have lived in four states since leaving home. Six states in my life.

Even though I've never lived in South Carolina it still is going home, though. Because where ever he is will always be my home. I wish you could all know and love him and see us together.

Maggie said she knew he was the "one" for me when we all were at Lamar's in Chattanooga a few weeks ago. He was the new guy surrounded by his girlfriend's gi-normous group of intimate college G's. He was getting checked out and sized up and stared down. Lamar's is a hotel lounge that has velvet wall-paper and they accidentally never put mixers in mixed drinks. It's on the bad side of Chattanooga and the juke box only plays R&B and Soul... and Portishead (for reasons we don't yet understand). The barkeep hands out baskets of freshly popped popcorn to the patrons. Oh, and it's almost always empty so when we go there we own.

Maggie said she knew he was the "one" for me when Michael Jackson's "Beat It" started playing. He immediately began dancing as though he had a switch-blade in one hand and was warding off all my friend's with it. Never missing a beat.

My friends saw that and said, "he's got it. He's not shy. He'll dance in public - like Michaela does - even if he's never met these people before."

The intro to Built to Spill's song "Time Trap" is so gorgeous.

I have to go shower now and put on some purple eyelashes. I'm going to be incredibly sexy tonight. Unbearably so. Even more so by virtue of being "unavailable".

I belong to a brown-eyed boy with 11-and-a-half% body fat.

2:44 p.m. ::
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