Just Circles

the most boring entry in twelve years

January 08, 2003
The following is a transmission I will not re-read in the morning. If you love me give me a smile.

I spent my entire day getting to know Donnie Darko as well as possible. The DVD with commentary, deleted scenes and shit. I'm in love with this movie, now, and I think I can go another three and a half years without a boyfriend, too.

Mama called today and that always perks things up. Especially since she called to say she just read, "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" and that she wasn't ready for it to end when it did. I feel lucky to have a mama who loves my favorite book. Don't you think so Lindsay?

I spent the rest of the day reading other people's journals.

Hmmmmmm. I wish one of them lived in New York. There are a lot of "cool"(?) sounding people I read, but no locals.

I hope I get into gradschool here: New York is my whore and she's putting out for me. I'd like to stay for a few years.

This entry isn't going well, is it?

Have any of my entries this year gone well?

Am I off my game?

I'll re-group in the morning, and get my shit together.

11:40 p.m. ::
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