Just Circles

Sectionally Transcended Dioceses

January 22, 2004
I left my wallet at home today, and I forgot to eat - so to speak - so now I'm starving and must wait for 6:00 to eat anything today. I think I have a buck .75 in my pocket-change, though, so perhaps a soda and a bag of chips will occur to sustain me. I already smoked my last cig.

At least I had my coffee.

My homework from Math and Logic was well-done, and I'm thankful for that.

Then we moved from Hopfield nets to probability theory and I just sat completely blank. So did Joe. But Winter got it.

I'm determined to get this on my own, though.

In phonetics lab today we cut a spectrogram with the word "speaker" on it, spliced the word, and then listened to the individual phonemes. Since the instructor was walking the whole class through the excercise, my gang of 3 got bored waiting.

So we started playing the sound waves backwards. "Speaker" in reverse is "her peeps", and without the /s/ is "herpes".

Read further for more on STD's.

Last night I dreamed Joe had a new girlfriend and she and I didn't get along.

I have a personal problem with being possessive and territorial (perhaps most women do), where even though I don't want someone for myself I still want them to not be with anyone else.

This sentiment has been expressed in the past by me, in this journal, no doubt.

This week I'm very comfortable with my relationship with Joe as it stands, especially since I really don't have time for anything more than friends. If we ever relapsed again, though, I would not be as cool.

question for my male readers

If you enetered into a new sexual relationship with a girl, and she requested that you be tested for STD's - even after "your word" that all your partners were "clean" - would you or would you not willingly consent?


If a girl you were sleeping with informed you of symptoms like an STD's, or of positive results of a test, would you or would you not at least make a pretense at shouldering her burden of stress?

I'd like to know both ideal responses, personal experiences, and regrets, if you have them.

unrelated question

Why do meat-heads walk around with their eye-brows perpetually raised in an expression of guilt-avoidance?

2:58 p.m. ::
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