Just Circles

I almost believe that they're real

Tropical showers are soaking the island and driving me underground. Cats don't like water.

Last night I dreamed I didn't have a car here because I had left it in a mall parking lot after a night of carousing and drunkeness. So I went back to the parking lot to find it full of people I didn't know who said, "oh, sorry; cool car" and left when I approached them. Two of them, a guy and a girl, had guitars and were playing a Dennison Marrs song along with the CD; "...like the twilight, that's world renowned for romance..." They had camped out at my car because they noticed the sticker for the band on my windshield. "No problem," I said.

I drove to a concert that was in a basement, (not the ffu house), and the band was the dude and the chick playing Dennison Marrs songs. They sucked;I was so irritated; tried to find my friends because I knew I could never explain this to them.

A red-headed young man with a beard approached me where I sat near the door. Thought I worked there. Asked me for a job. I explained I didn't work there, and asked why he would want to. Can't afford to live and eat in this town, he told me, and ministries in churches were negligent.

I told him about the church where I went, and everything I said he would interupt with a vehement head nod and agreement that such things were horrible. But I wasn't telling him things to prove his point, I was trying to explain that the church was good. Finally I yelled, "stop nodding your head; you're not even listening to me!" and I left him. Passed the couple covering, "...so I sing I love you..." The guy was Daniel Lambert, I think, but barely resembled him.

Then I sat down in a corner and tried to act comfortable with all the strangers surrounding me. Tried not to touch anyone though it was crowded. Noticed my bare foot touching another's bare foot, looked up, there was Lindsay and Tylere. We smiled. Relief. No one spoke; it was like we didn't know what to say. Only smiles. Then Tylere, commenting that our feet were the same length, but that our toes were different sizes (exactly the opposite is closer to true). It was such a Tylere-made ice-breaker that we all laughed warmly. It was then that I noticed more friends around.

We have tested our simmilarities in many things, he explained. "Yeah, except for one. Want to compare femurs?" and I patted my thigh. Jason Pogue laughed hard.

The long night of searching for my car, driving around, pushing through the crowd, discouraging unwanted conversation, actually paid off. I found my friends, and we laughed, felt close.

So often dreams end in frustration...

My eyes flew open: twenty minutes late for waking up. "...and I know you love me too" came from my CD player. Staring at myself in the mirror for a moment to realize the music part was real, the friend part wasn't, and wanting an exchange.

8:08 a.m. ::
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