Just Circles

at least when I leave none of you will mind

June 18, 2003
I've never left anywhere before where I felt like I was doing some injustice to the people around me.

When I left home it wasn't hurtful to anyone, but I was eighteen, and it didn't matter.

When I left Tennessee I felt like I had already been abandoned by Tennessee.

This time I've made myself a beloved part of two children's lives and as I trek along on my journey they get left behind.

I stared at Gilmore Girls last night with my face atingle with just-below-the-surface tears as my babies sat on either side of me.

Their parents were talking with "Kerry" in the livingroom, after dinner, and they both slipped away to whisper the question of if we like her enough.

The kids and I all thought she was good enough. So yay.

One more step closer to my purposeful living.

I'll give myself permission to cry in July.

12:00 p.m. ::
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