Just Circles

wake up, who cares about little boys who talk too much

April 07, 2003
I had one of those dreams where I didn't know I was dreaming. One of those solid dreams where I manage to fool my subconscious into thinking it's elementally possible and essentially real.

I had fallen asleep in my dream, and was aware of somebody talking over me.

Not any usual haunt of my dream-space, but a welcome visitor nonetheless.

He was saying that if I woke up right then, at that moment, he would drop everything in his life and marry me.

In the mind of my dream-self I pondered for only a moment whether or not I wanted to wake up for him. I decided yes, but I couldn't open my eyes, or move my hands. I struggled against that sludge of sleep until I managed to pull my hand from above my head and let it fall on my stomach.

I was really awake.

My brain was still pulsing with the urgency I had felt for waking up RIGHT THEN or missing my chance. I was dissapointed that all my eyes could see were the stars I've stuck to my wall in my own personal constelation.

The first strains of Loveless floated from the alarm clock and I realized I was actually only in my bed.

I went back to sleep but not back to the place where I had been. I was wise to my brain's doing and couldn't be fooled twice in one night.

It's not often my brain can trick me into believing night-visions are real. Generally I know these are dreams, and I try to have a little fun with them.

And Monday again.

Twice in a row have been Saturdays where I went to bed sober. This must not happen a third time.

The weekend was productive in that I finished reading The Corrections. Solid book.

This week I shall apply for a loan for graduate school, and make progress in finding an apartment. Yes.

Someone found my diary last night by searching "girls giving guys head." That's just not right.

I would like to know who it is that finds my diary by searching "justcircles". It surely must be someone who knows me. It happens often throughout every week.

9:29 a.m. ::
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