Just Circles

I'm Sorry For Seeming So Dark

May 06, 2003
I should not be allowed to use the computer before ten o'clock in the morning, otherwise I write things like the previous entry composed as soon as I got home from taking my kids to school.

I'm $200 poorer but I'm happy to be going to heaven ten days before my 25th birthday.

If any of you think I'm depressed, ever, just ignore it, okay? Because I'm not, ever. But moments of pain flash on me, and I tend to write during that time.

This morning was very dark. A creepy cloud came over me. I found myself weeping. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was on.

I felt like I was aching for someone else.

Words like, "I'm sorry" were forming from my mouth.

I'm clear out of range of any darts of womanish hormone-cycles, so I cannot blame that.

I have to go out into public and realize I'm not dying alone, or at all, at these times.

I hope everyone is doing okay today.

2:43 p.m. ::
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