Just Circles


February 10, 2003
Let's brighten up, sunny! Hey Michaela! Why so glum? How about a glass of juice? How about some music to listen to while you sit all alone on your ass all day? Have a big hug from, um, well... just remember the last big hug you had and go on that, okay?

I bought 6 cd's online today.

I bought a bunch of stuff I'm supposed to already have, you know. But what kind of freak sits around on the computer downloading songs just to listen to while they write letters and journals, right? Real men buy CD's. So I dropped a pair and picked up:

Ben Folds, Rockin the Suburbs

Modest Mouse, The Moon and Antarctica (similar to anarchic)

Leonard Cohen, (something or other)

Joy Division, Permanent

Belle and Sebastian, If Your Feeling Sinister

Wilco, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Nothing like impulse buys.

Like comfort food.

Only non-fattening.

Dude, I only went 24 hours without eating this weekend (from Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon) but I didn't get drunk Saturday night and I didn't forget to eat on Sunday. (No wonder Howard the Duck is in your chest. Or something like that.)

My baby brother started an online journal.

dyer81 is John-Michael incarnate. Please look at his favorite music. He is just wonderful!

Okay. Time to get the kids from school.

2:53 p.m. ::
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