Just Circles

Red Beans and Rice Didn't Miss Her

June 07, 2003
Some nights before Asit and I go out I look at myself in the mirror and decide that all I need is some irresponsible flirting. I also decided that that's all Asit needs, too, last night, anyway.

We slinked into Mars Bar and toasted to revolving doors.

Now, this joint is dark and narrow, so making out specific distinctions on a guy's face is nearly impossible. But there I stood, propped against a pistachio dispencer, while Asit talked outside on my phone to my best friend back home.

I noticed a couple guys glancing over their shoulder at me so I switched it on for them.

You know "it" got "switched on". It's all very deliberate, and not naturaly at all.

They didn't smile, but they did look. One seemed to be very cute, and then I saw that one touch his companion's face in an effiminate sort of way.

Now I'm confused.

Asit comes back inside and we strike up a conversation with a nice guy who was telling us all about how he'd pissed there on the bar once, but they still let him back. Charming!

I step out for a smoke a second after the two ambiguously gay guys do, and accidentally dropped my matches. Before I can straighten my back from picking them up the lesser-cute of the two gave me a flame.

Then made a comment about having been practicing and looking for a chick to use that on. Then I realized, in the bright light of a New York night-sky, that neither of these guys were attractive at all.

So I evaluated they were indeed looking for chicks, and that I am a chick, and that I'm leaving.

Asit joined me and we were all, "peace!"

So Patio is getting new managers. Ugh.

Nick isn't going to Giants Stadium either, but his girlfriend is, and he's pissed. Rightfully so.

Pizza... at Joe's. (Have any of you seen "Lady Hawk" with Rutger Hower and Michelle Pfieffer? This guy "Joe" looks exactly like the monk who helps Matthew Broderick save the hawk.)

Asit got a phone call from an old friend, so we ran down Ludlow to meet them.

Ran into Christopher, who was supposed to be with me and Matthew right now at Field Day Festival, in this rain we just got... It's funny I saw him and recognized him and shit because I was really drunk when I met him, but whatever.

As soon as I saw Asit's friends I knew neither of them were my type. But I allowed a certain degree of intimacy from the one guy, Adrian, when he offered it because of the connection we both have with Asit. Meaning, when he put his arm about my shoulder whilst we walked to Essex and Rivington (one of my favorite corners of NY), I didn't shun him becuase we both are Asit's good friends.

Then he bought the beer. No big deal.

Then, Lover, You Should've Come Over comes on the juke box and I covered my ears, said, "this song doesn't belong in here" and went outside to smoke.

There, outside, was this gorgeous blonde boy with my favorite haircut on a guy: early 90's skater cut. MMMMMMM.....

Oh, and then Adrian comes outside and literally pins me up against the wall, holding my face, and asking me music is music and if I like Jeff Buckley let it play.

ew. gross.

The hot boy left and I went inside and spent the next fifteen minutes inventing different ways of wording "I'm not interested" to this guy while Asit and Matt, the other friend, giggled.

Finally Asit throws me a line with, "dude, she's got this guy Tylere back home."


It did no good, though.

I finally told him that by repeatedly asking me a question I have answered already he was sealing his fate with "no" and I was going to stick to it on principle.

So, I go out thinking I would like to flirt and all I get is stuck in a corner with a guy who's done nothing but argue with me all night (I hate men who love it when we disagree), and I get my cigarette lit by a couple West Village fags.

My consolation is that the skater-cut hottie did look over his shoulder at me more than once, so I tell myself that if Adrian had back the fuck up then I would have had a chance.

I'm glad Asit got to see some old friends, though, and he enjoyed seeing this Matt guy. So the night wasn't without it's redemptive qualities.

Who am I kidding: Asit and I always have fun no matter what bullshit we suffer through. The bullshit makes it more fun, fifteen minutes later, right?

1:55 p.m. ::
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